The vagina, unlike the mouth, is populated by numerous microscopic organisms. In terms of feminine hygiene, a balance is maintained between these microscopic organisms owing to the acidic environment of the vagina. Moreover, this environment also promotes feminine hygiene by preventing infection.
Imbalance and smell
The smell of a healthy vagina is quite pleasant; however an imbalance within the vagina would lead to infection and this is characterized by a change in smell. This smell and its associated peculiarity can help a woman judge whether the vagina is healthy or it suffers from an infection. It must be noted that feminine hygiene with respect to vaginal health is largely dependant on the lifestyle of the woman, her diet and also her weight.
Feminine hygiene will help stop smelly infections
There are a few aspects of hygiene that work towards restricting vaginal infections. Yeast, bacteria and other types of infectious organisms are usually to be found in the intestine. Therefore, it’s of paramount importance that a woman wipes the vaginal and rectal area thoroughly after defecation. Moreover, she must also wash the anus immediately, and a rinsing of the vagina is also advised.
A woman can also prevent infection and unhealthy smells by washing her genital areas regularly with a special soap, which will help maintain the pH balance of the vagina. Experts suggest that such soap should be used after urination.
What’s that fishy smell?
The fish smell essentially gives an indication of the vaginal hygiene of the woman. Various infections of the vagina give out a fishy smell. These could be yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis and trichomoniasis, amongst others. If you think that your vagina does not have the right smell, its time that you consulted your gynecologist on an immediate basis.
At the end of the day, vaginal smell is one of the easiest ways of diagnosing whether your vagina is healthy or not. Moreover, all one requires to keep the vagina healthy, is to take a little care. This is because there are inbuilt bodily processes that help keep the vagina clean. The body is as concerned about vaginal hygiene as is the woman herself. A sweet smelling and healthy vagina will also go a long way in improving your sex life, as well as, the quality of life in general.