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All About Menstruation (How Often Does a Girl Get Her Period?)

What is the normal menstrual cycle period?

A woman’s menstrual cycle may be long or short, predictable or unpredictable. It may change from month to month over the years or it may stay pretty much the same. What is normal for one woman is not essentially normal for another. But there are certain facts about the menstrual cycle that can help you know what is normal for your body. Whether you simply want to know more about your body, are trying to increase your chances of getting pregnant or want to avoid pregnancy, this page will help you find the relevant information you need.

Normal and abnormal period cycle

Most period cycles are 28-days long. A variation of a few days more or less is quite normal and small variations from cycle to cycle are also normal. Some young girls might have a 24-day period cycle, a 30-day cycle or even longer, which is also normal. Period cycles may be 21–45 days immediately after the first period or menarche happens. After a couple of years, the cycles shorten to a length of 21–34 days. Usually, after a year or two, the period cycle becomes more regular. Some women continue to have irregular periods even after their teenage years. Irregular periodic cycles or period cycle of less than 21 days or more than 35 days is considered abnormal.

Causes of irregular period cycle

Some common causes of irregular menstrual cycle are stress, tension, medications and levels of caffeine intake. Cigarette smoking and excessive alcohol intake also leads to abnormal period cycles. Other common causes of irregular menstrual cycles include significant weight gain or weight loss, over-exercising, breastfeeding, poor nutrition, chemotherapy, eating disorders, hormonal imbalance, recent childbirth, miscarriage and uterine abnormalities. It is reported that 1 in 5 women have an irregular period cycle.

Period cycle length and ovulation chart

It is important to keep a period cycle chart to know the probable ovulation day. This can help you to get pregnant or to avoid pregnancy.

Cycle length

Probable ovulation day























All About Menstruation (PMS and Pimples and Pads, Tampons, and Liners)

Worries of a teenage girl during menstruation

During the initial years when a girl gets her periods, she is not fully prepared and does not recognize various body changes that take place. It may take a year or so to get fully used to the changes that take place in the body during menstruation. Some girls even suffer from cramps to make matters worse. Apart from cramps, there are many things that bother young girls during menstruation which are mentioned below.

Mood swings and body ache during PMS

Most women become depressed, agitated or irritated for no reason when they are about to have periods. Some women crave to eat special foods, especially comfort foods like chocolates and sweets. These feelings vary from women to women. Some women also experience severe lower body ache, headache, swollen or sore breasts and puffiness. These emotional and physical changes are known as premenstrual syndrome or PMS, and are normal during menstruation. They require no medical attention unless they become bothersome and persistent. Sometimes, eating right, exercising and resting can help alleviate these symptoms.

Pimples and spots

Many young girls seem to get spots and pimples during certain days. This is because of the hormonal changes that take place in the body before or after menstruation. This problem is often temporary and resolves itself as women get older. Only very few women get spots and pimples after they cross their teenage years. Whatever happens, remember not to burst a pimple ever, as this may leave permanent marks and blemishes on the face.

Pads, tampons or panty liners

There are many brands of products on the market which can be used during menstruation. Sanitary napkins or pads, tampons and panty liners are just three options to choose from. Panty liners can be used only on light menstruation days. Sanitary napkins are the best option as they protect from leakage the most but they can be seen through tight clothing and are not comfortable and safe during outdoor activities.

Female personal care

Most girls worry about bad odor during menstruation. Female personal care products take care of this odor. However, do not buy commercial female personal care products such as douches and deodorizers, as they harm the healthy bacteria in the vagina that facilitates the cleaning of the vagina.

All About Menstruation (The Female Reproductive System)

The significance of menstruation

Menstruation is a major course of change in a woman’s life. It is the point when a girl turns into a woman, enabling her to become a mother. Menstruation is also known as menses, which is derived from Greek terminology referring to the cycle of the moon round the earth which takes around 28 days. This is the same periodic cycle that a woman follows, as all periods come around roughly every 28 days.


Menstruation is a natural occurrence which usually takes place in a girl’s life during the stage of adolescence around the age of 12. This is the same phase that is known as puberty. During this stage a woman experiences many body changes such as the development of breasts, an increase in height and vaginal discharge. This is the same age when boys develop fine hairs on their face. Pubescent boys and girls experience many changes which mark their adulthood. Menstruation is the most important of all these changes.

Female hygiene

Most girls are apprehensive when they experience these body changes. The first period is often the worst and most painful. It is important to teach young girls about menstruation when they turn 12. It is also important to teach them about using sanitary napkins or tampons and maintaining female hygiene to avoid the risk of infections and diseases. It is important to change pads or tampons every 3 to 4 hours to avoid risk of infection. Explaining the female reproductive system and menstruation to young girls can make them feel positive about their body changes.

The female reproductive system

Menstruation depicts the normal female reproductive system. Menstruation is a significant part of the female reproductive system, which starts at puberty and ends with the menopause. The menopause signifies the end of menstruation, which means that a woman can no longer conceive children.

All About Menstruation (Puberty and Periods)

The change of life

Menarche is the first period of the female sexual experience and is a major phenomenon in a girl’s life. This phase, also known as puberty, marks the transition from girl to woman. Periods show that a girl’s body is preparing itself for motherhood. Sometimes, a girl is not weary about the bloody discharge that happens during periods and may be scared. This happens because of a lack of sex education in schools and a lack of information taught by teachers, counsellors, guardians and parents. It is important that young girls receive enough knowledge about menstruation or periods to avoid anxiety and nervousness.

What is puberty?

Most girls start to have their periods between the ages of 10 and 15 years. Different girls have their periods based on their individual growth rate. There is nothing to worry about if you have your periods sooner or later than other girls of your age. Some of the changes that appear in the body during puberty are the development of breasts, vaginal discharge, a narrower waist and an increase in your height.

What is menstruation?

Menstruation is a sign of growth and development and shows that you are growing up. Your body prepares itself to have a baby once you see your first period. Each month blood, tissues, eggs and other hormones develop in the body to prepare for childbirth later in life. If you don’t have sex, these eggs and tissues are disposed off via menstruation. Menstruation stops while you are pregnant because the body needs the blood and tissues to help you carry the baby.

Hygiene during periods

It’s important to maintain good feminine hygiene when you have had your period. If you wear a pad or tampon for too long, it can lead to body odour and infections. Sometimes, if a pad or tampon is worn for too long, it leads to bacterial growth and serious illnesses. Douching may look like an act to maintain feminine hygiene but it is not so. Try not to use harsh soaps to get rid of the bad smell. There are some gentle products especially designed for feminine hygiene, which can help rid these smells during your period.

Will I Lose my Virginity if I use a Tampon?

A lot of young girls are anxious about using a tampon because they think it will make them lose their virginity. Find out the truth about using tampons and their effect on virginity in the article below.


The word virgin originates from the French word virgine, which means literally maiden or virgin. A woman who has not had sexual intercourse, whose hymen is intact, is known as a virgin. Many religious and social norms across the world perceive virginity as a pure, honest thing. Most women, however, are apprehensive about losing virginity.

Sexual intercourse

A woman will lose her virginity once she has sex for the first time. The act of losing your virginity or having your first sexual intercourse experience is considered as an important part of every woman’s life. It is like a milestone and is a major change in their life. Therefore, it is very important for every woman to lose virginity at the right time, right place and with the right person. Young girls fear that using a tampon can damage their hymen, thereby spoiling their first experience of sexual intercourse.


Tampons are cylindrical in shape with a string attached at one end. They are made of absorbent material and are designed to be inserted in the vaginal cavity. Tampons are good to use while participating in sports or while swimming. Unlike sanitary pads, they can’t be seen through fabric. The most common worry among young girls is that tampons might get lost inside the vagina or accidentally go too far inside and break their hymen. However, this is not possible. The only thing to worry over while using a tampon should be hygiene issues, infections and not losing your virginity.

Feminine hygiene

If you wear a tampon for too long, it can result in the growth of bacteria. Girls who use super absorbent tampons are most at the risk of bacteria growth. Bacteria grow within the tampon, thereby affecting hygiene and health. Sometimes, this can lead to serious illnesses. It is important to change tampons every 3 to 4 hours to maintain a high level of hygiene. Nirena

Vaginal Health – You can get an idea by its smell

The vagina, unlike the mouth, is populated by numerous microscopic organisms. In terms of feminine hygiene, a balance is maintained between these microscopic organisms owing to the acidic environment of the vagina. Moreover, this environment also promotes feminine hygiene by preventing infection.

Imbalance and smell
Vaginal Health
The smell of a healthy vagina is quite pleasant; however an imbalance within the vagina would lead to infection and this is characterized by a change in smell. This smell and its associated peculiarity can help a woman judge whether the vagina is healthy or it suffers from an infection. It must be noted that feminine hygiene with respect to vaginal health is largely dependant on the lifestyle of the woman, her diet and also her weight.

Feminine hygiene will help stop smelly infections

There are a few aspects of hygiene that work towards restricting vaginal infections. Yeast, bacteria and other types of infectious organisms are usually to be found in the intestine. Therefore, it’s of paramount importance that a woman wipes the vaginal and rectal area thoroughly after defecation. Moreover, she must also wash the anus immediately, and a rinsing of the vagina is also advised.

A woman can also prevent infection and unhealthy smells by washing her genital areas regularly with a special soap, which will help maintain the pH balance of the vagina. Experts suggest that such soap should be used after urination.

What’s that fishy smell?
Vaginal Health
The fish smell essentially gives an indication of the vaginal hygiene of the woman. Various infections of the vagina give out a fishy smell. These could be yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis and trichomoniasis, amongst others. If you think that your vagina does not have the right smell, its time that you consulted your gynecologist on an immediate basis.

At the end of the day, vaginal smell is one of the easiest ways of diagnosing whether your vagina is healthy or not. Moreover, all one requires to keep the vagina healthy, is to take a little care. This is because there are inbuilt bodily processes that help keep the vagina clean. The body is as concerned about vaginal hygiene as is the woman herself. A sweet smelling and healthy vagina will also go a long way in improving your sex life, as well as, the quality of life in general.

Feminine Hygiene and Prevention of Yeast Infection

A vagina could suffer from yeast infection. It’s quite a common occurrence and just as easily prevented. It’s pretty simple really! If the cause is avoided, the infection does not happen. Prevention in this particular case is definitely better than cure.

What is yeast infection?

A vaginal yeast infection also goes by the name of ‘Candida vaginal infections’. Most women suffer from such vaginal infections, once or twice in their lives. A few factors that have not been taken care of, in terms of feminine hygiene, lead to this type of yeast infection. The symptoms of vaginal yeast infection include itchiness or soreness in the vagina, vaginal discharge that is cheese like in its consistency and pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse. A feeling of discomfort is also experienced by women if the urine touches the infected portion around the vaginal opening.
Female Hygiene, Yeast Infection

The old adage, prevention is better than cure, works perfectly here. So, if you want to prevent vaginal yeast infections you should consider a few aspects of feminine hygiene. They are easy to take care of and you won’t break into a sweat while doing so.

The first thing you must take care of is your external genital area. It needs to be kept clean and dry. As a part of the whole process of feminine hygiene women are prone to use various soaps and sprays that might just cause vaginal irritation and lead to yeast infection. Such sprays and soaps need to be avoided. Go through the ingredients of the soaps and sprays with a fine toothcomb to discern whether these products are actually going to be good for you or not.
Female Hygiene, Yeast Infection
It’s also advisable that a woman wears underwear that doesn’t trap moisture. Hence loose cotton underwear is always a better bet than nylon underwear. Also, a primary cause of yeast infection is the prolonged and improper use of antibiotics. In terms of feminine hygiene, care must also be taken that the antibiotics be consumed in their proper dosage and not for longer than is prescribed by the doctor.

As can be seen, the preventive measures are not that difficult to adopt, and a woman can prevent yeast infection quite easily and effectively.