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All About Menstruation (PMS and Pimples and Pads, Tampons, and Liners)

Worries of a teenage girl during menstruation

During the initial years when a girl gets her periods, she is not fully prepared and does not recognize various body changes that take place. It may take a year or so to get fully used to the changes that take place in the body during menstruation. Some girls even suffer from cramps to make matters worse. Apart from cramps, there are many things that bother young girls during menstruation which are mentioned below.

Mood swings and body ache during PMS

Most women become depressed, agitated or irritated for no reason when they are about to have periods. Some women crave to eat special foods, especially comfort foods like chocolates and sweets. These feelings vary from women to women. Some women also experience severe lower body ache, headache, swollen or sore breasts and puffiness. These emotional and physical changes are known as premenstrual syndrome or PMS, and are normal during menstruation. They require no medical attention unless they become bothersome and persistent. Sometimes, eating right, exercising and resting can help alleviate these symptoms.

Pimples and spots

Many young girls seem to get spots and pimples during certain days. This is because of the hormonal changes that take place in the body before or after menstruation. This problem is often temporary and resolves itself as women get older. Only very few women get spots and pimples after they cross their teenage years. Whatever happens, remember not to burst a pimple ever, as this may leave permanent marks and blemishes on the face.

Pads, tampons or panty liners

There are many brands of products on the market which can be used during menstruation. Sanitary napkins or pads, tampons and panty liners are just three options to choose from. Panty liners can be used only on light menstruation days. Sanitary napkins are the best option as they protect from leakage the most but they can be seen through tight clothing and are not comfortable and safe during outdoor activities.

Female personal care

Most girls worry about bad odor during menstruation. Female personal care products take care of this odor. However, do not buy commercial female personal care products such as douches and deodorizers, as they harm the healthy bacteria in the vagina that facilitates the cleaning of the vagina.


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