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All About Menstruation (The Female Reproductive System)

The significance of menstruation

Menstruation is a major course of change in a woman’s life. It is the point when a girl turns into a woman, enabling her to become a mother. Menstruation is also known as menses, which is derived from Greek terminology referring to the cycle of the moon round the earth which takes around 28 days. This is the same periodic cycle that a woman follows, as all periods come around roughly every 28 days.


Menstruation is a natural occurrence which usually takes place in a girl’s life during the stage of adolescence around the age of 12. This is the same phase that is known as puberty. During this stage a woman experiences many body changes such as the development of breasts, an increase in height and vaginal discharge. This is the same age when boys develop fine hairs on their face. Pubescent boys and girls experience many changes which mark their adulthood. Menstruation is the most important of all these changes.

Female hygiene

Most girls are apprehensive when they experience these body changes. The first period is often the worst and most painful. It is important to teach young girls about menstruation when they turn 12. It is also important to teach them about using sanitary napkins or tampons and maintaining female hygiene to avoid the risk of infections and diseases. It is important to change pads or tampons every 3 to 4 hours to avoid risk of infection. Explaining the female reproductive system and menstruation to young girls can make them feel positive about their body changes.

The female reproductive system

Menstruation depicts the normal female reproductive system. Menstruation is a significant part of the female reproductive system, which starts at puberty and ends with the menopause. The menopause signifies the end of menstruation, which means that a woman can no longer conceive children.


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